For more than 3 months my husband and I were spending more than an hour in the gym, working out to whatever “program” we think fit us. It has been great for my husband because he is very hardworking and focused on his routine. He in fact, lost around 40lbs in 3 months whereas I remained the same (boo!). I did loose a few pounds but not enough to reach my ideal weight and then all the effort I did seem like a waste of time and energy for me so I slacked a bit and just stuck to my Green smoothie regimen not entirely for weight loss but for cleansing as well.

All that changed when an opportunity knocked and had me invited to join Immuvit MetaFit Challenge. I accepted and hoped it was the push I needed. Along with my 4 other blogger friends, we met Coach Jim Saret of the show, Philippine’s Biggest Loser, and explained to us the 4 minute workout also known as the MetaFit or Metabolic Fitness.

Fellow bloggers who took the Immuvit MetaFit Challenge

So you think a 4-minute work out is so-so? I thought so too and I remember thinking, “I can probably do it twice a day too!”. BUT NO! When we tried it and understood the principle behind it, I knew this was the challenge I needed and longed for. Basically we have at least 3 sets of exercise (for 10 reps each) that we need to do as much as we can in 4 minutes.  It’s literally pushing yourself to the limit that after 4 minutes you need to lie down and feel the blood flow back to your brain. If you’re still OKAY and just breathing heavily after 4 minutes, you know you didn’t reach your goal and you need to increase your speed the next time.  The goal as I understood it is to increase your heart rate that in turn will speed up your metabolism. Coach Jim pictured it as a bike that after minutes of pedaling hard, the wheels and pedals will keep on turning even after you get off the bike.

Coach Jim Saret

View the presentation to better understand MetaFit:

Immuvit MetaFit Challenge

View more presentations from Janette Toral

We were weighed in before we tried the 4-minute workout by Coach Jim Saret and then we were also weighed in after. I lost 1.5lbs! Imagine that.

But as I told you, it was probably because I really took the challenge and pushed myself to the limit that after the workout, I was nearly passing out. I was told to lie down and put my feet up so the blood flows back on it’s normal circulation. When you push yourself to the limit, you need something to “back” you up so you can keep on pushing. Here’s where Immuvit comes in. Immuvit is an herbal supplement that will give you an extra boost to do strenuous activities plus it has an anti-ageing effect. No it’s not a beauty pill that promises to stop skin ageing but instead, it helps your body to age properly and accordingly. It’s true that when we age, physical and biological changes are inevitable, one of which is called somatopause but it does not mean we shouldn’t feel and do things we could when we were younger. In fact, we should be stronger.  Have you often caught yourself thinking, “I feel old because I can’t walk the way I used to without panting”? There’s actually a way to avoid that which is to improve your health. With Immuvit plus MetaFit, you can get your old self and old ways back. I don’t know with you but for me it’s a great deal.

MetaFit Coaches

















So here I am on my 3rd day of the Immuvit MetaFit Challenge and I feel great. Sore but great! I never thought that feeling this sore could feel great. I know I’m on the right track and this could be my chance to have a better control of my weight. I highly recommend the MetaFit workout for anyone who feels unchallenged with unending cycling or treadmill.

Here’s the what the program looks like:

MetaFit Program 1:

10 jumping jacks

10 squats

10 push ups

10 lunges

MetaFit Program 2:

10 Jumping Jacks

10 Side Toe Touch

10 Push ups

Every morning we take 1 capsule of Immuvit before doing the MetaFit workout of the day. Then we are to eat 6 (merienda-portion) meals a day. So far, it’s been great and I lost another pound. It was really a great opportunity and I’m thankful I was given the chance.

Hooray for Immuvit!











Try it and start living a healthier life. Be on the road to becoming fit and beautiful, inside and out. I realized that there’s no easy way on losing the weight that I clumsily added over the years and I have to work for it-hard. You can do the same too, join me in taking the challenge and let’s compare notes!