

Name: Geraldine Anne Therese P. Arboleda

Nickname: Ginger

Ginger Close up

Name of Business: Manila Workshops

Let’s get to know Ginger a little bit:

Hi! I’m Ginger. I’m a mom to a beautiful daughter named Zeeka and a wife to a loving husband, EJ. I am a serial entrepreneur. I have my own company called Manila Workshops, where we provide a venue for people to learn more so that they can achieve their personal and entrepreneurial goals. I also am part of the company called Turn Up Trumps, Inc. We are Digital Engineers who help our clients come up with a branding and a sound digital marketing plan to achieve their business and personal (yes, we also cater to individuals) goals. I am also the author of, and I also have my own program that helps people start their own business. It’s called Love the Leap program.



  1. What kept you busy before you became a Mompreneur?

I was working for one of the top universal banks in the Philippines as a Product Manager. I stayed with them for almost 7 years.


  1. What made you decide to become a Mompreneur and start your own business?

In July 2012, I found out I was pregnant. My first pregnancy back in 2010 didn’t go so well. I had a miscarriage due to blighted ovum and had complications after (GTD or placenta accrete… the results were inconclusive). I had to undergo chemotherapy. The likelihood of it happening again as mentioned by my doctor was 99%, so I didn’t want to risk losing my baby this time around. Since our priority was to have a healthy baby, I decided to quit my corporate job and grow Manila Workshops.


  1. Tell us about your business, what is it about?

My business is called Manila Workshops. It is an events management company that focuses on creating lifestyle events (mostly workshops) that help people love learning to achieve their personal and entrepreneurial dreams.


  1. How did you start your business?

Back in 2011, I was looking for something to do on the side. I was working and had a great day job, but a part of me wanted more. I wanted to contribute and help change society. I thought of where I was in my life (looking for business that I could start that time) and I thought that it was most likely that other people were also going through the same thing. I looked for workshops that could help me achieve my entrepreneurial dreams, but I couldn’t find any. I decided to create workshops to help other people and me find the perfect business that we were looking for. It turns out, mine was actually this — helping others achieve a meaningful and successful life.


  1. How do you promote your business and how do you find your target market?

I’m a fan of branding. I have always believed that if you brand your products and services well, it will definitely hit the right market. Most of the promotions that we have for Manila Workshops is done online and through word-of-mouth. 


  1. What challenges do you have in your business?

During the first year in business, it was really about establishing credibility. We were and still are a start-up company so that challenge is really to establish ourselves as a brand. Now, more and more challenges come into play. Expansion is one. How do we expand when we are a lean start-up company? How do we bring our mission to more places and how do we reach more people?


  1. What are you the most proud of in terms of your business?

The thing that I am most proud of is that we get to see the satisfied smiles on peoples’ faces, be it a person attending or a brand sponsoring, after they attend our workshop. We have been in this industry for two years and I think what made is strong is our clear belief that we are in the business of building relationships and maintaining good relationships with our partners.


  1. What are your future plans for your business?

A lot actually. We would definitely love to bring our events to different parts of the country and the world even.


  1. How do you manage your time between your business and your family?


My Google calendar is my life. I really set time aside for my family. Yes, I fail once in a while (I admit I’m a workaholic) in time management, but then I go back to the main reason why I’m doing this and I’m reminded that it’s because I wanted to spend more time with my family. Also, if you have your own business, it really helps that you realize early on that you cannot do everything by yourself. You need all the help that you can get.


 10. What advice can you give to fellow Moms who are thinking of becoming a Mompreneur?

If you’re thinking about it, it’s time to get moving and do something. We’re in the day and age when it’s easier to create businesses and to actually implement them. All you need is someone who can guide you and who can mentor you. If you need help, just holler!

Ginger is conducting her own 3-day program for those who are thinking of putting up their own businesses. The first run will be on Dec. 4, 11 and 18.

Love the Leap Entreprenurship Program

The venue will be at vOffice Fort Legend Tower, BGC. Fee is at Php 9000, but all participants will also get a FREE 6 month Gold + membership at vOffice for 6 months’ worth Php 17,000+.


If you want to get in touch with Ginger, you can follow her here: 

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