
I love it when….

1. She wakes up every morning with the prettiest smile on earth.

2. She giggles over daddy’s goofy face.

3. She reaches out and touch my face. (sometimes accidentally pinch my lip or nose =_=)

4. She laughs while sleeping.

5. She shows Mummy she wants carry carry by not crying but by moving her head forward showing Mummy she wants to stand or sit. =_=

6. She lays her head on Mummy’s shoulder.

7. I smell her hands and feet.

8. She sleeps on her own every night after Mummy said a prayer for her.

9. She does her chipmunk sounds and respond to Mummy’s voice.

10. She falls asleep on Mummy’s song =_=

I can go on forever! It’s just amazing to see (and errr feel) her grow each day. She’s getting heavier each day. I couldn’t stop thanking God for such Love and beauty.
It’s true that a child can hold a family together. T and my family grew much much close than before. And of course our marriage is strengthen everyday.

I could only ask for my Peaches’ protection, Courage for me, Strength for T and LOVE for the family.