It took me almost 4 months to finally sit down, collect my thoughts and write. So much has happened that I wasn’t able to log in and write (or work!).

If you don’t know yet, I’ve had a baby girl last June 9 and we named her Luzy Rhenee but we call her DJ because that’s what Peaches calls her from the time we were just trying to conceive (for almost 2 years!) and of course it stuck.

So, DJ came and changed everyone’s game play.


I had to drop all my clients because there was no maternity leave or whatever when you’re a freelance. I felt that I was being unfair for not working and besides, I’m not sure my clients would understand the physical as well as emotional healing that I had to go through after birth. I gave birth via cesarean section, by the way.  And here I am, free as a bird to work with the perfect client.

My cleaning business has fared well (Thank you, God!) it has saved my family from financial woes but I do recognize the need to increase our source of income now that we have another being to feed.

Look at our baby girl a day after her birth



Our 2nd day


And on her 3rd month:


For more updates you can follow me on instagram: renzalcantara


So that’s our toothless, sour milk smelling baby girl who dominated most of our lives. Troy and I are now back to our home office because we take turns taking care of this cutie. Our lives has changed and there were plenty of “it wasn’t like this with Peaches” moments. Our girls are showing different personalities and it feels like we are back to zero in terms of child rearing. As usual, I do not want my baby to be cared for by a nanny until she’s able to walk and talk. This is why Troy and I spent countless nights taking turns watching over our newborn.

Today, 4 months after giving birth, I feel that I am stronger, steadier and finally gained back my momentum. I’m back to scouting for the perfect client/s to work with and planning for upgrades and improvement for my cleaning business.

As for my blog, I’ve changed my domain name because that’s who I am now… a Mompreneur. My goal now is to share tips and ideas on how to earn while staying home and overseeing my kids, my family and my home.

The design aspect of my blog though has to take a step back. I didn’t know it costs so much to have a professional come in and do the works. Sigh. Oh well, priorities!

But one thing’s for sure, it’s going to be a great writing year (or what’s left of 2014)!