
For the past few days, Peaches’ old yaya comes in our house looking for Peaches. But every time she asks, Peaches is asleep. Yes, she’s in the building working for someone else. Let me just say that when she said she was leaving us, she said she wanted to sell whatever-stuff-she-can-think-of at their place so she can supervise her son. And so she left, without even bothering to look for her replacement. 

She’s been with us for 3 years and one would think she’ll have at least a little compassion for us (other than Peaches). And then MIL saw her one early morning and said she’s looking for a cleaning job in the building. What does that make her? A liar? It’s okay, after all that we’ve done for her and her son and what she did to us, I didn’t want to do anything with her anymore. 

Earlier today, she knocked again and was looking for Peaches. Peaches was out and was at her friend’s house. Turned out, the old yaya waited for Peaches at the lobby. Yeah, I know you would all be feeling awwww and think it’s sweet but not me nor Peaches. 

The child didn’t want to talk to her either. She didn’t hug back and didn’t utter a single word. It’s sad that it has come to this but I’m glad at least Peaches knew how to handle her emotions. She did felt bad when her old yaya left her WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE. It took Peaches weeks before she finally accepted that she has a new yaya (and finally calling the new yaya by her name and not refer to her as THE NEW ATE). I saw how Peaches struggled to understand why her yaya has to leave and believe it or not, it pained me to see her feeling left out and not accepted. 
Good news is, she’s learning to cope from all those bad feelings at such an early age because at some point, she’ll feel more worse than this. 

And here we are again, the new other Ate has to leave tomorrow because the new ate decided to take her kids back to the province and settle there instead. And so, tomorrow we will have the 3rd yaya. Let’s see how Peaches feels this time. 