
Yesterday we attended a birthday party at Acropolis Kiddie Park (same venue as Peaches’ first birthday celebration). It was simple and a small party. Peaches was the youngest among the bunch and most parents would come up and say they would tell their sons to court Peaches in the future…YIKES!

No side entertainment unlike their first year’s celebration but it was still fun.
Peaches won a lot of prizes on the bring me game. 😉 Daddy had everything the host asked
so she was happy to collect all her loots.

Peaches wanted to play on the slides and swings but it rained a bit so
the area’s a bit wet. Mommy and Baby argument here…
Daddy took this shot.

She’d rather have the big balloon than the balloon twists given to her.

Peaches didn’t like the magician at the party. She’d rather walk around and chat (baby talk) with other kids. She’s used to seeing (and be friends with them) older kids so she didn’t have a problem blending in. But at some point she got tired and sat still for a minute or so.
It was a goodthing her nanny’s on her day off because T and I were able to
really spend time with our daughter.

Parents, it’s okay that you bring your nannies on parties but please spend time with
them as well. I hate to see kids being carried by nannies even on photo opps with the celebrant.
Other parents would rather sit and rot on the side.
Well, that’s just my two cent.