I consider myself as an accidental cat Momma because for the longest time, I was a dog lover (hey, still am!) and I grew up surrounded by dogs of all sizes. It was my husband and my daughter who kept bugging me for a pet cat. I finally gave in after few months of pleading.

Troy and I applied for the cat adoption option at PAWS  (Philippine Animal Welfare Society) and when we got the go signal, we went and got Ted. It was a great experience “choosing” and “feeling” the cats at the cattery and we had a lot of stories to tell afterwards.

To cut it short, Ted chose us and later we were told that’s the right way to do it. LET THE CAT CHOOSE YOU.

Believe it or not, it felt like Ted’s the right one too.

Here we are when we got Ted:

And here’s Ted after 8 months of being with us:

Ted’s a shy, smart cat. He’s sweet in some ways but he prefers to be alone and untouched most of the time. I like how he’s a house cat and so graceful and calm. The total opposite of our 2nd boy, Peanut.

Peanut was rescued from the streets by (who else?) my darling daughter and husband. Peanut followed them from my daughter’s school (which is a walking distance from where we live) to our building. She begged her Dad to get the cat and make it her pet. And so the Dad couldn’t be happier (who’s a cat lover ever since).

I was not ready to take a street cat (yes, Peanut is a street cat in every sense of the word) but Peaches balled when I said they return the cat to where ever they found it.

And so here we are, with a young (5 months), energetic, playful, gross (yes!) but sweet sweet sweet cat. I didn’t like him for a few days (If only I can throw him out to Montecristo) but that cat knew some hooman spell and perhaps trance me into believing he’s a good cat. LOL.

This is Peanut

Can you see the mischief in his eyes? He just ate 4 of our fishies! Darn cat.

Peanut making a mess on my office table


This fish-killer likes to stay and sleep on my drawer too. Darn cute cat!