Husband is off to the gym for a good workout, kids are out sweating it at the playground and I’m doing my share of getting back in shape by walking around the neighborhood. As the family grows active, I realized the need to invest on quality gears like towels and water bottles, etc.

My daughters love to drink water and we always have to bring water bottles with us. Lately, we have been needing more water bottles for each family member, so I decided to go to my favorite S&R branch at Shaw Blvd.

I knew S&R will have good deals on high quality towels and I was not wrong and I’ve got more than I asked for!

Here’s what I got:

P199.95 Libra Bath Towels – 28×54 size


P249.95 Caressa Bath Towels – 30×54 size


P349.95 Buy 1 Take 1 Travel Mug by Rove Sleek 160z


P399.95 Rove NFlight Tumblr Buy 1 Take 1 20oz


Are you a salad lover? Try this affordable salad spinner. I got it because it’s HUGE and my family of 4 can eat in one spin.

Item: Snips Tropicana Salad Spinner P399.95


Fruit lover? You bet! My girls are crazy over watermelon and look what I found!

Snips Watermelon Saver P199.95


Here’s the melon counterpart


Snips Melon Saver (2L) P169.95


My last buy that I couldn’t resist… P149.95 Snips Yogurt Ice Box


It’s not a wonder why many Moms #loveSnR!