
We’ve all returned to life. I let a week pass before I fully faced my old routine. I was afraid I’d go cold on my usual work so I gave myself a few more days to relax and breathe.
My Aunts, Uncles and cousins back at the province had moved on as well, even my Dad who took it really bad. But as expected on some days, the grief lingers.

After returning to Manila, I continue to recall the horror stories we had and to be honest, I couldn’t sleep late because my own thoughts are haunting me! (T’s leaving for work around midnight so I make sure I am asleep by then). I’d love to share the stories but it’s dark, it’s late and I’m..sleepy. LOL. Maybe tomorrow I’ll post about it. It’s creepy and funny at the same time.

I’m lucky T’s a very supportive husband, he took care of P during the wake and the burial. P was at first hesitant to be left alone with her Dad but later on bonded with him and now, they’re even closer than before. Plus, T had to put up with occassional wake up calls on wee hours when I need to go to the bathroom or when he needs to stand outside the bathroom door while I take a shower (hehehe). And most of all, he allowed me to laze around for days before finally taking on what’s on my plate.

So, this I hope would mean more posts from me so please stay tuned 🙂