My eldest daughter is a voracious reader. She read 16 books this summer (2018) alone. To think that we’ve had weekly family getaways at that. She’s really not into using phones or Ipad like girls her age. She’d rather mine craft her way out of boredom or read. So a few days ago, she’s read about Epic! which is a digital library app which you can download from Playstore or Apple Store.

There’s a free 3o-day trial that you can use. We’ve set an alarm for July 10 to remind us to go back to this app and see if it’s worth the P350/month fee.

But as of today, my girl’s pretty much happy with the books from epic. I love the fact that this app sends me an email to inform me of my daughter’s activities inside epic.

Currently she’s reading Anne of Green Gables!

Anyway, the epic! website mentioned that this app is for kids 12 years old and below and I agree. I hope they’d put more literary pieces inside it though.

After a month (or before that), we’ll update this post to let you know if we’re paying for the monthly or cancel our membership.