I am writing this because of the recent development at work and I wanted to share a few tips on how to apply for a homebased position and let you in on what the employers are looking for. I’ve been working from home for 4 years and I’ve had my fair share of project application and at the same time, hiring team members for a client. I’ve learned from many bad hiring and fake job ads and I want to at least save you from them.


Here’s what you need to know on how to apply for a work at home job (and ace it!):

1. Cover letters are important. First part of the screening process is based on your cover letter, resumes are viewed on the later part of the process for verification purposes. DO NOT submit exactly the same cover letter to all of your potential client. Personalized your cover letter according to what is being asked in the job description. Mention your working experiences based on the job asked.

2. Use the exact term used  in the job title when referring to the position you applied for. There’s no faster way to finding your application on the trash folder than saying you’re applying as a Writer when the job ad specifically said Content Specialist.

3. Read the job description and see if it fits you. Most of the time the tasks in the job description is more than what the job title says.

4. Read the entire job ad. Intelligent employers add instructions either in the middle or at the end of the ad. If you failed to comply, rest assured your resume will be deleted faster than you saying the words HIRE ME.

5. Do a little research and stalking. Get to know what and who you’re applying for. Make sure it’s a legitimate business or company.

6. Do not offer your services without compensation such as when they ask you to submit 3 original articles (with their keywords) as “samples”. IF they require you to do something as a test which you think they can make use of, you should be paid for it.

Okay, understand that questionnaires or case studies aren’t what I meant here. As long as what you give them can’t be used by them, then you’re good, if not ask to be paid.

7. Sometimes the interview questions could go personal at some level, simply because your employer wants to know that you are honest and wants to see a clear picture of how you will work for them remotely. Personal details such as—are you married, do you have kids, how many kids, what’s your age, etc are fine because it’s their way of knowing if you can work effectively from HOME. Remember they can’t look over your shoulder most of the time so they have to rely on facts and assurances.

Now, if that was from a regular brick and mortar company doing a job interview, it’s not quite appropriate.

8. Be honest. Start your relationship with your potential employer right. If there are things that they ought to know that will possibly affect your productivity in the future, then say it. It’s just fair because when they hire you they’re spending money and time on you.

9. Ask questions or clarifications. Do not commit into something when you have doubts.

10. Most likely, you will be interviewed via voice call or messenger chat. Have a Google page ready so that when you don’t know what’s being asked for during the interview, you can easily find in Google. Google first before saying you don’t know. Employers like initiative. Work from home jobs mostly entail a lot of research and Google or Yahoo or whatever search engine you prefer is your best friend.

Lastly, keep your social media accounts “clean”. Expect that your potential employer/client will stalk you on Facebook, Twitter or will simply Google you.