Aveeno Baby recently entered our beloved, Philippines! No more asking our relatives and friends in other countries to buy for us. No more “hoarding” when we, ourselves, go to countries that sell Aveeno Baby products.

There are two major product lines that Aveeno Baby released in the Philippine market:


The Therapeutic Line and the Daily Line. Both lines come in body wash and soothing lotion and the prices range from Php 344.50 to Php 700.00, which by the way, is cheaper than the other brand I used with my little one (you probably have seen our post on this one too!).

If you don’t know yet, my youngest girl, Luzy Rhenee, suffered from severe skin asthma as early as her 2nd month after birth. She was could not go out without coming home full of rashes due to dust and other environmental allergens. Her skin was almost always dry that putting lotion all the time is hard on her as well because she sweats a lot and she’s uncomfortable I guess because she felt sticky. It was really hard because she even at night Luzy became a fuzzy baby and kept me and my husband awake in wee hours.

My Mom (who’s in the US) sent us Aveeno baby products from their Therapeutic line and our lives became better. I especially like the soothing lotion as it really soothes the itchiness and the redness of the rashes. My girl has been dealing with all these rashes that upto now that she’s almost 3, when she feels something itchy, she’ll say “Mommy, itchy! I need lotion”. It’s because Aveeno really helped her skin asthma.

I learned that Aveeno Baby’s Therapeutic line is made with Active Natural Colloidal Oatmeal which ensures that your baby’s skin becomes softer, smoother and relieved of irritation caused by different allergens.

The Daily line as the term connotes, these are products recommended for babies and kids with normal skin needs. You can use these products everyday.

In my experience, since my baby’s skin is “high need”, I use both. It’s not all the time that Luzy has bad irritation… so on days that her skin is okay, we use the daily line products. Super cool.

Aveeno is also under Johnson & Johnson Philippines, a brand that we have always trusted.

Okay, so how much are these Aveeno Baby products?


Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Mositure Cream – Php 630.50 | 227g

Aveeno Baby Cleansing Therapy Wash- Php 499.00 | 236mL

Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion – Php 344.50 | 2276

Aveeno Baby Daily Wash and Shampoo- Php 344.50 | 227g


For more information, you can visit https://www.facebook.com/AveenoPH/