For weeks now, our main parenting concern is one that has not bothered other parents so much: how to get our 5 year old child to sleep in her own room?  ( I even blogged about it here)

Our daughter has tried all kinds of antics just to sleep with us at night.  We have experienced drama, comedy, even action and horror at bed time.

Peaches:  Mommy, cam I sleep here?

Me:  No.

Peaches:  Can I just lie here?

Me:  No.

Peaches:  Why?

Me:  No.

Peaches:  (You’re) Like Tard the Grumpy Cat! (of course she knows Tard, she has 2 cat brothers!)

Later after her lights out, the house was quiet and I continued to work on my computer.


The door opened a bit.

Creeaakkk…  The door swung a bit more. I continue to type.

Creaaaakkkkk….  I shot a glance at the door.

Then some shuffling by my feet.  Something was crawling by my side.  I gasped.


Peaches with goofy grin:  “Mommy, can I sleep here?”

I gave her my best Tard face.

That night, the only thing I was waiting for was for her to break into song, and a director would yell into a megaphone, “Cut!”  and we’d have a multi-genre movie covered. Might I say, an award-winning movie!

That’s one of our better nights though.  Most nights, we’d have wailing crying.  “I had a bad dream, Mommy…”  she’d sniffle as I hold her in my arms.  I never want to see her cry (who does?!), and deep down I just want to give in and let her sleep with us.  However, I want her to grow up brave and independent, so I have to be firm and put on a brave face too even if it breaks my heart to pieces.


My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a second child, and friends sometimes forwarded links of cute baby gear and nifty baby gadgets.  I found out about a very nice not-so baby monitor that’s actually being sold here in the Philippines! It’s by Baby Vision, INC  and I was amazed that baby monitors can now be connected to the parents’ I-pad or any gadget that run on either Windows, IOS and Android!  Wow, that’ll be real convenient.

Baby Vision Baby Monitor


I can check out the baby even if I’m out, as long as my tablet or gadget has internet connection.  As I browsed through their site and checked the other features and they’re darn COOL — the baby monitor camera tilts vertically and horizontally, comes in HD too, has night vision so we can monitor the baby or the child even when the lights are out!  What really sold me was the two-way intercom because it hit me– this could work for our family issue.

Even if originally designed for tiny babies, Baby Vision can work for our family too, even if we have a not-so-baby girl.

I am particularly excited with the two-way intercom (didn’t I mention that already?).  With a Baby Vision baby monitor, if Peaches gets scared, I can talk to her in the dark and assure her that we’re just a wall away.  I can also sing her to sleep, even if I too am already in bed. There’s a motion detection feature too, where your gadget/monitor beeps when the child moves. That means no more late night crawlers knocking on our door or scaring the wits out of me.

It can work, yes?

And I was pleasantly surprised Baby Vision is not as expensive as I thought! It’s P7,990 and looking at their Facebook page, they have an on going promo where you can get this awesome baby security monitor for P5,500

Check out the other mom approved features  here.  Follow them on their Twitter & Facebook page – I found out they respond quickly on inquiries there too!

I truly want a Baby Vision monitor because it will be able to help us with both our children.  Well, right now we only have one child, but I’m crossing our and your fingers for our second child. Of course, I will also use Baby Vision then for baby security.

In the meantime that we still have not solved our bedtime family issue, I am bracing myself for the day Peaches will break into song to ask for my permission to let her sleep in our room.  I will practice how to sing Nooooooo, Pavarotti-style.  I look forward to her giggling from my opera singing.

More info on how to get your Baby Vision baby monitor in the Philippines.