
Being a Mum is fun and all

But it’s starting to pour down its toll on me.

My back hurts and my knees too.

Feels like I’m having Rheumatoid Arthritis.

My good ol’ Bengay and Omega pain killer are running low.


My appendages would often feel like

It would come off.

But hey, am not complaining!

I’m just saying.

That’s all.

I’m glad that Peaches’ growing happy and healthy.

She’s a bundle of energy!

She wants to play all the time!

She wants to go out and see other people.

She likes to look at people and if she likes you

She actually smiles even if you do nothing to make her.

There was this one time at the elevator,

There were the two of us and two guys

She kept on looking on guy 1 then turns to guy 2 then back to guy 1 and back to guy 2

And so on…

Finally before getting off on our floor (as if she knew, or did she?)

She looked at guy 2 and smiled at him.

That wide and pretty toothless smile!

So landi!

I remember how she slapped another baby boy for

Trying to grab the pacifier from her.


No, not the teleserye type of slap

But she kinda slapped the boy’s hand away from her.

I guess she didn’t like the boy. Lol.