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Warning: Bad Review/Rating on Alas Cargo

My parents from LA shipped the Balik Bayan box last October 27 and until this very day, it hasn’t arrived. I can’t even track the box on ALAS CARGO‘s website and box tracker. Their contact numbers are unreachable. I have tried several times in an hour and it’s always busy. They provided cellphone numbers but it just kept on ringing. They do not even reply on SMS!

What a poor customer service, no not poor- horrible. I was able to talk to them a few weeks ago and I have been told that the balik bayan box was delayed. It would have been understandable if they had the initiative to inform us or at least kept their lines open.

Since they have a website, they should have a page announcing the arrival of shipment to keep customers from guessing. Dialing their number is also very frustrating plus the contact form on their website is useless! I have sent my inquiry via the online contact form 3 weeks ago but I haven’t got any reply.

I would not recommend them to anyone of my friends and relatives!
A truly stressful experience with Alas Cargo.

Guess what, they rate B- on Better Business Bureau (BBB) 
And the reason for the rating:

These complaints concerned :
+ 5 regarding Delivery Issues 
These complaints were closed as:
+ 2 Resolved 
+ 3 Administratively Closed

I pray that they deliver the balik bayan box by tomorrow!