On the first week of April, my family and I will travel to the US for a much needed vacation with my parents. We’re taking the opportunity to revamp our bedroom, the little home office and our daughter’s room too.

It’s very exciting!

We have been living in a limited space because condos in the PH isn’t like the condos or apartments in the US. Our friends often refer to our home as the shoebox šŸ™‚

So a little revamping and floating shelves installation will be a huge help. Our bedroom will have floating shelves and cabinets so I can get rid of the huge cabinet currently sitting on our room.

Our bedroom is painted in light green


And the shelves and cabinet will be painted white.

The shelves would probably look like this, only bigger and wider:


Only, the color schemes will be green, white and yellow.

The home office will be a long table attached to the wall, painted in white with drawers to accommodate all my junk Ā stuff.


I’m not sure yet if the little cabinets would fit in our space but I’ll be speaking with the carpenter in a few days about it.

We will also be having a customized bed frame. Initially we wanted aĀ JapaneseĀ inspired bed but we figured it would give us more space if we have the normal height instead. The space under the bed could be a place for keeping ourĀ luggageĀ and bags. Ā So customized normal height bed frame it is. I wish to have a memory mattress but it’s sooo expensive! That’s our next project, for now I’m thankful for the opportunity to have wider, cleaner and moreĀ ergonomicĀ space.

Peaches’ room will have shelves too where we can put on display all her toys. Currently, I keep her toys in bags and boxes which tend to be forgotten and ends up playing with the same toys each day.

The renovation is a good excuse to make our housekeeper stay with the cats..hehehe.. We’ll be away all Summer so the boys need someone to feed and bathe them. Oh and Ted needs a pat while he eats!

Ted’s so spoiled he doesn’t eat scrap food. It has to be well prepared and must be a kibble, cat wet food our a fruit. I swear I don’t know how this cat will survive without our helper.

Anyway, these events on April is very exciting and I can’t wait to show the after photos šŸ™‚