
When I first came to Manila for college, I was the typical promdi.

I remember I am often lost finding my way home.

I couldn’t seem to remember street names and it’s as if

FEU-Morayta and Espaúa is too complicated for me.

I’d like to state some of the things that awed me:

  1. Jeepneys here do not have their conductor; in my province they have one for each jeep.
  2. When you want to get off the jeep here you say, “Para” or “Sa tabi po”; in my province you knock the jeep’s roof or in my case they know where to drop me off (hehehe).
  3. In my province, local fruits (such as banana, guava, durian, rambutan, singkamas, etc) are for free. If they do sell it, it’s like 3 for 100 for durians. (for the sake of selling it instead of letting it rot on its tree) But here, I had to buy 3-piece durian seeds for P170++ (with my eyes closed)
  4. In my province asparagus are grown on the side of the road. You can actually stop over and pick up some if you like. Here, I have to buy it!!!(it’s too much for me.)
  5. White sand beaches at not so far flung towns are free. Although you are also free to be kidnapped. (hehehehe)
  6. Neighbors do care. Sometimes they care too much. Here, I don’t even know the people living next to us.
  7. There’s no word such as traffic in my province. Here, need I say more?
  8. Do you actually know Rattan? And what’s it made of? It’s from Kawayan and most of the time it’s made into furnitures. In my almost 10 years here, I had yet to see a rattan.
  9. Back home (then) I can taste different cuisines at the comfort of my own home because my mom would cook for us one cuisine each week. But here, I had to actually shell out moolah to eat it.
  10. In my prov, I had to watch a movie 3 weeks later on its actual showing date.

All in all, it is fun being a probinsyana. I had to learn things and discover even more. Until now, deep inside me I still used to compare here and there, now and then. =_=