My sister in law, Anna is a junior at Poveda and a few nights ago I heard her expressing her interest in enrolling at AHEAD tutorial and review center in preparation of her college entrance test. I admire the girl for  taking the initiative on making necessary preparations for her upcoming college entrance tests. After all, these could be the most important tests that she would take in her entire life and she could only take them once- no retakes allowed. The test results will dictate what her life would be in the next 50 years or so because it is in college that most of us find our future husbands, our long time friends, our business contacts and possibly our employers too. Anna is aiming for Ateneo or UP which of course are two of the hardest to pass. Apparently AHEAD Tutorial and Review Center is known to be highly effective and credible among Anna’s friends and classmates. What coincidence that a few days after, I got invited to attend AHEAD Tutorial and Review Center’s Bloggers meet up.

Ms. Chi Achacoso walked us through why there’s AHEAD and then there are the others. AHEAD tutorial and review center uses a test-based system and focuses on the top 3 universities- De La Salle University (DLSUCET), Ateneo de Manila University (ACET) and University of the Philippines (UPCAT). This means that AHEAD offers specific review sessions for each of the top 3 college entrance test and if you wish your kid may take all of the sessions depending which university he/she is aiming for.


AHEAD has been proven countless of times by students they’ve reviewed in the past and it is their testimonies that made AHEAD, stands out of the rest. What interests me the most is their continuous desire to improve their review system. This coming June, they are integrating mind mapping as part of their review system. Mind mapping is a new tool that will help enhance your child’s memory and develop critical thinking, which we all know is vital when taking college admission tests.


Another interesting review methods that the AHEAD team implement are the diagnostic exam and the simulated exam which are patterned on the actual college entrance test. So when the proper college entrance test comes, it’s your child’s third take since he/she has been taking it during his/her AHEAD review. I speak of credibility earlier and just to give you an idea how AHEAD values this, they only accept teachers/reviewers that are honor graduates from the top 3 schools. Most of the teachers, if not all of the teachers, are young and can very well relate with your kids.

Ms. Rossana Llenado , AHEAD’s very bubbly and humble President, was also present during our blogger’s meet up and when asked how she will compare AHEAD with the competitors all she had to say was, “We beg to differ”. In our brief discussion with her, I learned that we as parents can help make our children gear up for the future and be ahead of the rest. We need to support our children not only financially but also emotionally and provide only the best opportunities for our children.

Ms. Llenado also eagerly discussed with us their upcoming AHEAD INTERACTIVE (which is to be launched very soon!) as part of AHEAD’s products and services. She mentioned the release of the first review book for the UPCAT which is titled, Score Higher in UPCAT. It costs P500 in National Book Stores nationwide. It is meant to be an additional review material for your kids.

So Moms, check out the services offered at AHEAD Tutorial and Review Center and you will surely be interested to enroll your kid at AHEAD.

Like them on Facebook and see how fun the environment is! 🙂
