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It struck me just now that I have been blogging for a year.
I started blogging when I had so much time in my hands I didn’t know what to do with it. I was pregnant and was on my last year on my nursing course and I was getting all the help I could get from my groupmates so my nursing wasn’t so much a burden.
Hubbie has a day job so I was left with our helper (who I can’t talk much). I watched every telenovelas and koreanovelas available and when it was too much I needed some place to vent out my feelings.

To date, I must say I am still learning the ropes of blogging. I know I am not a good writer. Heck, I’m not even bothered by my lack of RANK. I’m happy to whatever my blog generates- friends, healthy discussions, learnings, and opportunities.

So three cheers to me!