
Life Through A Kitten’s Eyes

  • Published: June, 2010
  • Format: Perfect Bound Softcover(Color)
  • Pages: 24
  • Size: 8.5×8.5
  • ISBN: 9781452028415

I got this book for my soon to be 3 year old daughter who loves kittens. The photo on the front cover merited squeals of delight when I showed her the book. She couldn’t wait to open it and have me read the story to her. 

As we peeled the Life Through A Kitten’s Eyes open, she was so happy that the illustrations are pretty and big. She enjoyed looking at it while I read the lines. This was the first time I read a first perspective story to her and I think it went pretty well. Life Through A Kitten’s Eyes is about a kitten who’s looking for a special person to take care of him and how along the way, the kitten changed that person’s life and vice versa. The story’s very light and funny but if you really think about it, you can teach your child a lot of moral lessons or even learn something yourself. I love how the story captures the attention of my daughter and how she became curious at every page (Prepare to answer lots of WHYs). We both laughed at the misadventures of the little cat and in the end felt happy for the cat and his master. 

This book is a good tool to teach your kids the importance of loving and treating their pets well. This book teaches them about responsibility and consequences of having pets. And as for me, I realize that we too are like the little cat. We are often in search of acceptance from our family, friends and neighbor and that it’s a long process that in the end forms a relationship between two people. 

The last page of the book is a must see illustration! Even my husband laughed when he saw it. 
I’m not telling what it is, you must get yourself a copy and enjoy reading it with your child! 

Thanks to the Author, Nancy Rearick, for such an inspiring and funny story 🙂 

Happy Reading! 

