
The book Undaunted was originally from a musical which was presented during the 80th birthday of Oscar M. Lopez, Chairman emeritus of the Lopez Group of Companies. The book presented several photos (as early as the 1800’s) and original true stories about the Lopezes and the unfolding of a family legacy.

The book was centered on the struggles and challenges that were thrown at the Lopez family from the Spanish era down to the present times.

The first page of the book brought me to a time travel spree.
During the Spanish era, a time when the family ran a newspaper called El Tiempo that spoke out against corruption. And during the Japanese occupation, like other Filipino families the Lopezes climbed the mountains while bombs were falling like rain from the sky. 

The Lopezes were gifted with men and women who worked hard and invested right and thus planted a foundation that will become one of the Philippines’ largest group of companies. From the beginning the core values were clear from the elder Lopezes and it was passed on from generation to generation and these are the family, honor, integrity, and love for country.

The photos on the book took me to the time when the Lopezes first joined the political arena and this I think started tremendous challenges for them. They faced challenges against several key personalities in the Philippine politics such as the Quirinos, the Macapagals, and of course the Marcoses. At some point, the Lopez brothers were hailed as THE PRESIDENT’S PET HATE.

The Lopez-Marcos relationship was at first sweet. It grew sour until to a point that  it’s non existent primarily because politics and greed tainted both camps.
When Marcos declared martial law, he stripped the Lopezes of its own companies and threw Geny Lopez in jail. 

One of the first Lopezes who joined politics and became Governor was assassinated but it did not
taint the will of the Lopezes to serve the Filipino people and thus their political journey continued.

The challenges did not stop from their political endeavor, struggles were hurled at different points of the Lopez family but on each stone thrown at them, the family emerged stronger, united and better. Each time they pick up the pieces and come back anew, still keeping their values intact.

In recent times, the Lopez family continue to face struggles of different forms but at each time they always proved to be Undaunted.

After reading the book, it made me think of my own family and the legacy we will pass on to our own generation someday. I admire how the Lopezes did not left any family member behind. They take care of their own and protect what is rightfully theirs.

A legacy- is the best gift you can give to your family. Something the next generation can hold on to and build the future with. It’s something the next generation should share and live life based on the core principles that the legacy taught them.

If each family is united by a admirable legacy, life will be better for all Filipinos and perhaps the world.

My Undaunted book with Mr. Oscar Lopez and Raul Rodrigo’s signature 

Thank you to the Lopez family for sharing a piece of their lives and inspiring many of us who are fighting their own battles to emerge strong and Undaunted!

To read about the Undaunted Book launching, click here 