
I had my very first heartache when I was in high school. It was not because of a guy, it was because of my friends, my barkadas. Our friendship started early. We were in Kindergarten when I became friends with Janina and Dianne. It flourished and then in grade school our group started to grow. Janjan came and bonded with our group and since then all 4 of us were inseparable. In Grade 5 Matet, Tamcin, Masel, and Anne added fun in our friendship. We became the elite group in our batch we were all achievers in different fields. Janina was our beauty queen, Matet is our dancer, Janjan is our walking encyclopedia, singer and brainpower, Dianne was our peace loving friend, I was the sport guru, Tamcin was our artist and singer, Masel wins the leadership award to top it all we were all honor students.

Do you remember the TGIS days? We are fanatics. We have our own tambayan (it was at Janina’s house-their whole terrace was granted to us), we had the complete tambayan set with posters and all. Hahahahha…There was also a time when the whole TGIS gang went to have a concert at a town near us; we begged and plead our parents to allow us to watch it. Well, they did. We were minors so we had escorts hehehehe. And it that was so much fun. We were on the front row screaming on top of our lungs! It was all our first time ?

We were like that for three years until Ella joined us.