As a family, it’s our main goal to bond and connect at least once a week. May it be a dinner at our favorite restaurant, a playdate at the park or as simple as staying at home and watching our favorite movie or cartoon (yes, my husband and I still enjoy watching cartoons with our daughter!).


With the rise of technology, it has been easier for us, parents, to build a better communication with our children. It’s now easier to reach out and make them feel that we understand whatever level they are coming from by even a simple gesture of sitting with them and watching their favorite movie or helping them get through a difficult level in their favorite mobile game.

I’m a work-at-home Mom and so is my husband and we rely on technology for our business and we invest on quality and top of the line gadgets and service providers to make our family and career easier. PLDT has always been our chosen partner for our Internet and communication needs. When they offered an affordable mobile landline, I grabbed it so I can call home whenever I’m out to check out how my daughter is and so she can call me when she needs to.

Then PLDT offered their PLDT Home Telpad bundle- increased Internet connection to upto 3mbps plus a PLDT Home Telpad that has proven to be very helpful to me and my family in creating strong connections at home. It’s like a mini- ipad, only it’s cheaper and comes with a great bundle that works for me and my family very well.

My husband installed plenty of games for my daughter in our PLDT Home Telpad and we bring it wherever we go to keep our daughter occupied. We often store her favorite cartoons too and we connect the PLDT Home Telpad to any television with HDMI cable (which was also provided in PLDT Home Telpad bundle we got) and viola! Peaches watches in a bigger screen.  Indeed, it was a win-win subscription from PLDT—the kiddo got a nice gadget and my husband and I enjoy a 3Mbps Internet connection.

Though I sound like a techie Mom, I still limit my daughter’s time on t.v and any of her gadgets. We make sure she plays with her toys and religiously practice her reading, writing and math. As all Moms would want, we strive to give our family balance in everything. It’s something we strive for ourselves too.

I’m just glad subscription and packages like these are now available for every Filipino family. One day, it might even be more advanced that what it is now. I can’t wait to try those with my family.

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