>Hi there,

I am curious as to what are the changes you see on your toddlers? Care to share?

My Peaches is actually growing upper lip hair and it’s visible when you look really close.
She’s also more curious and independent with food. She has her own preferences now and she’s braver as in she wants to eat lunch with bare hands–which I allow of course. Let them be messy 🙂

Peaches also has a wider vocabulary both Tagalog and English–she can fluently express her feelings on both languages. I try not to speak Tag-lish, it’s either straight English or straight Tagalog.

She’s also learning to be funny. She tells this joke or do this funny move and then will ask, “Is it funny?” or “Am I funn?” hahaha.

It’s just amazing how toddlers can be their own selves now. How about your cute toddler?

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