Finally, I have the time to write about our recent home renovations. We’re living in a condo and we wanted to have more space and to achieve that we needed wall cabinets and more storage areas.

First our bedroom, this doubles as our home office and we used to have chunky office tables and computer tables as our work desks but it was eating up a lot of floor area that we couldn’t have a decent bed. So we finally had a corner home office customized with over head shelves to put our books, frames and what-nots.

The open shelves in our bedroom

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Underneath the shelves is our home office but I’m keeping that for a while because it’s an entirely different blog post.

But here’s our queen size bed, we opted for white paint since our bedroom we had it painted in light green. Soon I’d be putting yellow decorations in our room. The walls are still super bare but soon when things calm down a little bit, I’ll start putting a wall photo collage of some sort.


We got rid of our cabinets, both the store bought and built in and replaced it with four hanging cabinets instead.


The cabinets are high but it works for us. We need space and that’s just a little compromise we had to do.

My daughter’s pink room is a huge hit. She loves how pink the paint is and the stark white contrast of her bedroom furniture blended really well.

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Our kitchen had some love too. We added an overhead cabinet and a shoe rack that doubles as an extended kitchen counter. I wish we can replace our almost 10-year old fridge to a rf197acrs

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We also had a TV rack customized for the space in our living room where there’s a huge chunk of foundation right in the center.


And the boys got a wooden crib too which they are not using YET.


Troy tried putting catnip on the crib but the boys just won’t stay. They’d rather sleep on one of the beds!

Over all, we are truly happy of the outcome. Special thanks to my mother-in-law for spearheading the renovation since all this happened while we were in the States. She even had the boys stay at one of the other units she owns so they won’t “smell” the paint and the dusts while the carpenters worked. So the boys had their own mini vacation too!

If you have questions about who and where we got our carpenters, I’d be happy to refer them.

It would also be nice to add that when renovating your condo, you have to get a permit from your building administrator and pay a certain amount as bond which is of course refundable IF they deem you didn’t do any damage outside your property. The workers can only work from 9AM until 5PM and if they are staying in your unit, you need to secure a permit for them as well.

You are not allowed to repaint the balconies except if you’re only retouching the building’s paint. I remember when we first had our mini home renovation and I had blinds installed. The admin refused to let the blind installation go through because I chose a color that’s different than the building’s outside wall. I pointed out though that our window is tiny and no one from below or outside the building will even notice the difference.

If you’re planning on doing home renovations or customization on your condo, better ask about your building policy.