It’s never too late to get summer loots from the coolest brand for baby products! Few days ago, we had a nice surprise from Johnson and Johnson and it was a nice gesture from them to a loyal J&J parent.

Johnson & Johnson Products Philippines

Even I use Johnson’s baby cooling bath because it does give you a cooler feeling after shower. Plus Peaches smells soooo good when using it! And look they even have a new product, the Johnson’s baby bath Peach.

Johnson's baby bath peach

That’s a star right there! Super love the scent and it’s gentle but sure to keep your baby’s skin protected and nourished. I use this with Peaches during her nightly bath so that her skin can absorb the nutrients well and in the morning her skin is soft and supple than ever. Her daytime soap is an antibacterial soap to fight unwanted germs and for protection against it the entire day.

I don’t usually put powder on Peaches because she always sneeze after but I learned that I was doing it wrong. I should put the powder in my hand and rub it before putting it on Peaches to eliminate powder that goes into the air.

So, what’s there not to love about J&J products?