To give you an overview, Cordlife offers cord banking services in the Philippines. Some months ago when I was still pregnant with Luzy, I was close to getting a cord banking services from Cordlife’s competitor but they failed to follow up on me up until a day before my scheduled CS. Because they were late in getting back at me for a screening test supposedly, I was not able to avail nor donate the cord.

Anyway, Cordlife has a better process in accommodating parents who are looking into banking their child’s cord. In fact, if your hospital of choice doesn’t have a harvest kit, Cordlife will deliver one.


With its upgraded facility, Cordlife has expanded its capacity to serve Filipino families who want to invest on their child’s health.

“With over 13 years of experience in the industry and as a mainboard-listed healthcare company on the Singapore Exchange, we are in the position to provide long-haul high quality stem cell banking service to parents in the Philippines,” says Jeremy Yee.

In addition to cord banking service, Cordlife also offers tissue banking service where your child’s cord tissue will be saved and kept in case in the future your child needs to use it to manage whatever health problem she has.

Cordlife keeps your child’s cord blood or cord lining in a cryogenic laboratory located at UP TechnoHub. This way it’s easier and faster for everyone to access it should the need arises.

Here are some of the celebrity Moms who trusted Cordlife and support the company’s intention:







Cordlife Philippines
Unit 104, Building H U.P.
AyalaLand TechnoHub

Commonwealth Avenue

Diliman Quezon City

Philippines 1101
Tel: (63) 2 4701735
Fax: (63) 2 3521304
