>For the longest time, I was having intermittent attack of dandruff especially when I’m under high stress (okay even when in low stress!). And then I read on Clear’s Facebook fanpage about their Clear Swap Challenge. The guidelines were pretty easy and doable so I headed at their nearest event yesterday at Market!Market! and handed them my almost empty anti-dandruff shampoo in exchange of Clear’s 100mL bottle (I got to choose my own variant too!). 

The Clear Swap Challenge event were so cool people were lining up to swap their old anti-dandruff shampoo

 and have their scalp checked for free too. 

Of course I had my turn, I will never pass a free scalp test! It was fun sitting on the comfortable chair and filling out information on the laptop provided and answered series of questions while the pretty lady in black was checking my scalp with the device similar to a diamond peel device only it’s bigger and painless! 

My scalp test result was: Oily scalp, light dandruff flakes, light breakage, light falling hair and the best variant for me was the Clean and Itch control. 

Clear Anti-dandruff shampoo has 2 main variants: Unisex and For Men variants so you know you’ll get the best variant for your specific hair needs. Go over at Clear Anti- Dandruff Shampoo website to know more about it. 

Yesterday’s Clear Swap Challenge event was hosted by these lovely dude and dudette. The audience had fun with the presentations and the very high tech and interactive games. 

Go and swap your old anti- dandruff shampoo (1 bottle or 6 sachets) with Clear at any of these Clear Swap Challenge schedule: *For the swap challenge guidelines please visit Clear’s Fanpage *

Trinoma Activity Center– December 5, 2010 — Jericho Rosales will be there!!! 

Ayala Center, Cebu City– December 11, 2010 

Gaisano CDO– To be announced 
