Yes ladies and gentlemen, Van Houten is back! Well, technically they were never gone; I’d like to think that most of us outgrew Van Houten Chocolates and became a part of the past. But a few days ago, I was called back to a time where my Tatay and I used to eat a box full of Van Houten Chocolates while Mom’s away because she will be so mad when she finds out we finished an entire box in one sitting. Van Houten introduces their new chocolate bars wrapped in newly conceptualized wrappers. The texture, the sweetness and the chocolatey feeling are still the same even after all these years.

The event’s host was Ms. Lori Baltazar and she engaged the audience with a simple exercise on how experts eat chocolates using the five senses:

1. Look- A good chocolate should have a consistent color, texture and should be free of air bubbles and blemishes.

2. Smell- as you unwrap the chocolate savor the aroma of pure cocoa.

3. Touch- Good quality is determined by the smoothness of the chocolate and it should not melt in the hands. This is an indication of how well the chocolate has been stored and tempered.

4. Listen- You would want to hear a nice SNAP when you break the chocolate.

5. Taste- Finally, slowly put the chocolate in your mouth and savor it. A high quality chocolate has an after taste that lingers.

It was a nice experience knowing how the true chocoholics savour their cocoa addiction. Many thanks to the people over at Van Houten for giving everyone at the event a rush back to the past with our every bite of Van Houten chocolate (that was freely displayed all over the place and a cocoaphilia will surely die of too much sweets).

*** Photos will follow soon as I get of the camera

Range of Van Houten Chocolates

Van Houten Bar
– Raisins – Assortment
– Milk Chocolate with Almonds – Semi-sweet with Almonds
Available in 38g, 72g, and 150g
Available in 40g, 80g, 180g, 300g and 380g
Available in 80g and 300g
*not all SKUs may be available in all countries
Van Houten coated nuts
– Milk Chocolate
– Milk Chocolate with Whole Roasted Almonds
– Milk Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts
– Milk Chocolate with Whole Fruit and Nuts
– Semi-sweet Chocolate
– Semi-sweet Chocolate with Whole Roasted Almonds

When is the best time to eat chocolate?

Chocolate can be enjoyed at any time of the day, whether as a mid-morning snack, an afternoon treat or an evening indulgence. Some enjoy chocolate as a private pleasure, but most enjoy it when shared with friends and loved ones in a social celebration.

Chocolate contains sugar, caffeine (naturally present in cocoa) and milk solids and is therefore a source of energy – a perfect pick-me-up after a hard day’s work. It also targets your brain’s pleasure center, so chocolate is a great way to create special, sensual moments.

 To learn more about cocoaphilia and chocolate appreciation visit: