>These are my cousins from my father side. I grew up with them and most of my happy childhood were shared with them. Will you believe that most of the little ones (in the picture) are wayyy taller than me today?(not that I am tall, I’m just saying..)

This was just one of the many many Christmas spent with them. Our number grew as the years went by (little by little I will post our pics). And it was getting better each year, until most of us went away for college. Then we realized, our christmas was never the same (but that’s another story).

One of the many games I loved during christmas was the money game. Uncles and Aunts would stand with their backs on electric fan while we gather in front, then they throw paper money away! You have to jump and snatch like crazy to get one! And of course you get to keep them. These are real money by the way. Crisp and new, straight from the bank.

There was also one time when we had to climb a bamboo slimed with oil or whatever it was to get P1,000 on top of it (at that time P1,000 is really a big amount). It was nearing 12MN still the P1,000 peso bill is unclaimed, one uncle topped another P1,000 for added motivation (lol). Well, eventually one of my Mamang’s houseboy managed to claim it. 🙂

I miss the old days. I miss Mamang and Tatang. I miss how we were as a family. http://emo.huhiho.com