>Station 8: Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem “Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not over Me. Weep rather over yourselves and your children. For if greenwood is treated thus, how will the dry wood be treated?” (Luke 23:28)

Place: Marked by a Latin cross on the wall of the Greek monastery

Station 9: Jesus falls for the third time “I have come to do your will, O God” (Ps. 40:8)
Place: A Roman column marks this station which is a reminder that Jesus collapsed within the sight of the place of his Crucifixion.

Station 10: Jesus is stripped of His garments “From the sole of the foot to the head, are bruises and sores and bleeding wounds” (Is.1:6)

Place: The remaining 5 stations are located inside the Basilica. This stairs lead up to the Chapel of the Stripping of Jesus’ garments.

Station 11: Jesus is nailed to the Cross “They have pierced My hands and My feet. They have numbered all my bones” (Ps 22)

Place: Latin shrine which was redecorated with mosaics.

Station 12: Jesus dies on the Cross “Jesus cried, Eli Eli lama sabachtani? that is, My God My God, why hast Thou forsake Me? once more uttering a loud cry, Jesus gave up His spirit” (Matt. 27:50)

Place: This stone is where Jesus’ cross stood

Station 13: Jesus is taken down from the Cross

Place: Stone of the Anointment where they laid Jesus after his death

Station 14: Jesus is laid on the tomb
Place: I have so much to tell about Jesus’ tomb- the Holy Sepulchre.  I hope by my statements I am not offending anyone. As it is the Holiest and the most sacred place for Christendom, the queuing was outrageous. But patiently we waited. Some groups were singing and praying. And hush hush chattering on the sides. When my group was almost at the entrance, we were pushed backward by another group which was unacceptable because we were on the line standing for 3 hours straight! That was the first fight we ever encountered. Much to my dismay it didn’t end there. The whole Basilica is owned by a Muslim (as I was told)
given to him in a condition that it should be open to public and that they are not to ask monetary assistance or donations from the tourists. The caretakers of the tomb were Orthodox. They call on 5 people to go inside the tomb and hastily go out (not even 5 minutes inside the tomb).
A lady was standing in front of me and as she stepped inside the tomb she kneeled so low and kissed the ground and started crying and singing. One of the Orthodox priests grab her by her shirt collar and threw her on the side and motioned for me to go and touch the tomb itself. I was too shocked to move like cold water was suddenly thrown at me. I was gently pushed by my companion and I edged forward to kiss and touch the tomb, as I was starting my prayer the same priest shouted that we should move on and leave.

I understand that there are millions of people wanting to touch and kiss the tomb in a day that’s why they have to hurry us. But their way of doing it is way too rude (heck, rude is an understatement). My heart sank with the things I saw happen in a sacred place. I was told that this was the way ever since. But it shouldn’t be.
The lady was overwhelmed by so much emotion, it was not her fault to profess so much faith.
I wish one day, it’ll change the way those Orthodox handle tourists. It’s so sad.

1st photo: door leading to the tomb
2nd photo: facade of the tomb
3rd photo: while waiting for our turn

There are no photos inside as you don’t have time to waste. In my case, I didn’t have time to even breathe inside.