
Not!!!! Sure we have our new hairstyles but not to the extreme…I chopped my hair pretty pretty short. I thought I looked like fatso! But T said it suits me..dunno if he meant it or said it to pacify me. The lobby guard said I looked like Aiko Melendez. Duh. Expecting for a christmas present? lol. Anyhoo, at least it’s manageable and fly away free. Plus I don’t have to wear ponytails anymore…and and I might have less hair fall aktwali. I just hope I people won’t mistake me for a siopao! (asado o bolabola??? not!) T had his hair done at razor number 1. You just have to picture it out cuz I forgot to take pictures when we were still all dressed up (it’s late and we are on our jammies already)…SO we went to Tate’s surprise bday lunch and T wanted to get bonnet or a cap because (according to him) his head feels cold. I wonder how it felt. I wonder how Vannessa Adams felt?….eniwey, so we looked for his bonnet or cap and found nothing that he liked. (aktwali we did but it was too expensive for his taste) Peaches wasn’t shocked when she saw me with my new hair…but she stared hard at her Dad when she saw him…lol…I wonder why… She must be thinking, where all the hair gone…lol. I’m tired and sleepy but P is so bouncy I can hardly cope up. nytie. XOXO

Be good always,