Heaven’s Gate can be found in the Tianmen Mountain in Hunan, China. It has a natural water eroded cave that’s shaped like a door– a super huge door! and so it was called Heaven’s gate. It has a height of 131.5 meters, a width of 57 meters and a depth of 60 meters.  The entire mountain became one of UNESCO’s world heritage because of the one of a kind beauty and scenery that can be experienced when going up the Heaven’s Gate.

To get the spectacular view of the mountains, you can either walk up 999 steps to the top of the mountain without platforms for stopping or take one of the most thrilling cable car rides. It is rated as the longest cable car ride in the world, covering a distance of 7455 m and scaling a height of 1279 m. Source 

This will truly be a ride of our lives!

The cable ride is just one of the attractions in Heaven’s gate (as if the natural sand-arch formation isn’t enough!). There’s also the Skywalk wherein you can walk on this all glass and steel walkway attached on the side of the mountain. I don’t have fear of heights but just looking at the picture I feel like I will develop one– instant fear of heights!

But then again, my sense of adventurism wants me to try it.


I envision myself doing this trip with my husband together with my super friends- Kat, Tatcee, Yvi, Fristine & KK. And whoever signs up with us! Game? Deal or no deal?
