
School days are fast approaching and I couldn’t help but

remember my own years as a student.

I spent my entire 11 years of Primary and Secondary education

In a small but decent private (exclusive for girls) school

In Koronadal, South Cotabato (somewhere in Mindanao)

It was called Notre Dame of Marbel for Girls (at that time, now it’s

Siena something)

I enjoyed my high school days primarily because I was out

In the tennis courts mostly

I remember I don’t have a permanent seat in our classroom

Because I was always away and when I’m present

I’m allowed to bring my chair wherever I want to.

(plus I had an excuse of putting my chair in front since I

Have bad eyes.)

I was a good student.

I could maintain my honors every grading even though

I was always away.

Since I was a varsity, I was excused on P.E classes

And on field demonstrations when there’s an upcoming

Provincial event.

The draw back of it was I missed the fun (quarrels and catfights) inside the room.

And I barely know my classmates except for my close friends of course.

Mind you, most of us go way back at kindergarten.

That’s why it’s hard to let go of my friendship from high school.

Come college days

I wasn’t able to take entrance exams at UST, Ateneo, La Salle

Because at the time that they were conducting one,

I was away on training or on tournament.

My mom got so frustrated that UST offered me a scholarship (on any course I want)

Granting I play as their varsity and be able to maintain my grades.

I think it was an easy challenge (although I was enrolling for BS MED TECH)

I was sure I could do it. But my mom refused.

She thought I was focusing on too much tennis and

That it would be too hard for me.

She said, “Anak, college is different.”

So she dragged me over at FEU and made me

Take the exam (the last one before the classes’ starts).

I have no regrets, not even one, on being a Tamaraw.

I enjoyed every bit of my stay in FEU.

I gained friends and for some, more than friends.

I learned more about freedom and independence.

It was a chapter in my life I would not hesitate

Do to all over again.