
My elementary graduation was a breeze, it was sometime in March 1995. It wasn’t an extra ordinary day. I wore my old uniform but Mommy made me wear new socks and shoes (simply because I will still use it the next school year) and of course topped with my white toga and white graduation cap. Mommy applied my make up and fixed my hair. We went to the school gym and waited my name to be called for the medals and the diploma. After which we went to the local mall and was given the chance to have anything I want. I chose a new pair of tennis shoes and a new tennis bag. That’s the last thing I remember about it.

Well, I can’t blame myself because it didn’t mean BIG CHANGES since I was still going to attend the same school for the next 4 years. The ONLY change is that I was then able to wear a CARAVAT (for high school students) as opposed to the bow ties (for elementary students) that the Dominican sisters made me wear for 7 years.

I would love to provide pictures but I don’t have a scanner >.<

I tried googling some photos but what I got was something better…I found my elementary computer teacher and he has his own blog 🙂 soon I’ll be posting about him.