I received a suspicious email today and the email subject was:  JOB OFFER FOR YOU

 And it goes like this:
You have been selected for assignment as a “Secretshopper” in your area.
You will get $200 has been a Secretshopper and your employment packet
will include funds for the shopping. Full job description will be sent to you
prior in your assignment. You will have access to training materials after
you register. Payment check/Money order would be in a  certain amount
which you would be required to cash a your Bank then deduct your salary
and have the rest used for evaluation.

Provide the following information below if you interested:
=> Laurie_Ridgway@mail.com

– Name (first/last):
– A d d r e s s:
– State, City, Zipcode:
– Num. Phone/cell:
– A g e:
– S e x:
– O c c u p a t i o n:
– Alt. E-mail:

We are waiting your good response, Thank You.

Laurie Ridgway

I Googled Laurie Ridgway and I got this scam alert from Secret Shopper – https://www.secretshopper.com/info/shoppers/scamalert.asp
So please beware and do your research well before responding to these kind of emails.
This complaint is just recent and let’s all learn from this.

shop.serve@mail.com or LaurieRidgway@mail.com
Complaint 88475 Details

  • Date Occurred:03/16/2012
  • Reported Damages:$15,550.00

Accompany e-mailed me after I inquired about a secret shopper job. They said I was approved and would be in touch. On March 10, 2012 I received an e-mail stating UPS would be delivering $1850.00 in money orders. I was to cash them at my bank and send $1550.00 Western Union to another secret shopper. That this Western Union branch had a complaint of missing funds. I was to report back with details of the store and customer service, trans-action number and all other details. I completed this assignment on March 12, 2012. On March 14, 2012 I received another assignment. Same details except I sent money to two addresses of. Each $1550.00. The total amount of the money orders equaled $3700.00. Today March 16, 2012 the bank called to report the money orders were frauds. Please help me fix this situation.     (via http://www.scambook.com/report/view/88475/shopservemailcom-or-LaurieRidgwaymailcom-Complaint-88475-for-$15,550.00)