From time to time, we go back to the happy memories that we’ve had when we were little.  We look back at things we do with our cousins, siblings and other extended family members. We look back because we try to recreate something that made us happy while growing up.


I don’t claim to have a perfect family. In fact, we are far from being one. We have family feud, cousin rivalry and so much more but we always come out strong, united and blessed in every struggle our family encountered.

Let me tell you a story of bravery, love and sacrifice.

One of my Dad’s sister acquired a very rare disease that left her in a vegetable state for 3 years. Her husband died a long time ago and it was just her who raised her 4 children. When my Aunt was stricken by this rare disease, my youngest Aunt and my Uncle (both are my Dad’s siblings) took care of my bed ridden Aunt. Their lives stopped and one can’t leave without the other being left behind to take care of my sick Aunt. This struggle continued on for 3 years, until last week when my sick Aunt finally blew her last breath.

It was the biggest sacrifice that I have witnessed and it made me realize how lucky my Dad is for having siblings that are willing to sacrifice so much and offer unconditional love. I have known so many people who are not as lucky as my sick Aunt.

Our family ties and family values are things that mattered on situations that we need to rise as a family and it’s something I want to impart to my daughter now that she’s growing and starting to understand more of the world.

I can proudly say that my family is wealthy on family ties and values. We stand up for our own and we stick together no matter what.

What do you do to preserve your family ties even if you live miles apart? 

I found out that frequently showing my daughter photos from my childhood days to present gives her a good idea of how close I am with my relatives. It’s through photos that she recognize names. It’s easier now that technology has brought great gadgets such as a broad range of picture frame which is not only very heart warming since it displays photos close to my heart, but it’s also very stylish.