I have a few fun summer activities slated for the family this year. I know I’m pregnant and about to explode but I feel fine and I feel like it shouldn’t stop anyone from having fun. Plus my little girl has been bugging me and her Dad for a beach getaway.

So summer getaway it is…


First we will have our Corregidor cruise at the end of March. We’re still thinking if we’re getting the day tour or extend another day to do other fun stuff like light show at the Malinta tunnel.

Next, we might be joining Pirkko & Troy Tours’ Holy Week Pilgrimage in Batangas. 

A week after the Holy Week, we will bring the whole gang and some friends to a Bataan beach escapade. We’re still thinking if Morong or drive to Subic. We have a house in Bataan so it’s cheaper if we stay there and drive to the beach for a day tour.

On May though, as much as I want to do more summer party, I can’t. I’m too big by then. But there are several summer activities lined for Peaches. She’s attending Kumon, a gymnastic class by Milo and her swimming lessons too.

If only we can, I’d love to go to Japan for a nice, leisurely cruise! Kids cruise for free too! Look at this promo!

How about you, what’s your Summer 2014 like? Share! Share! Share!