We are usually busy Moms trying to keep everyone in the family satisfied and happy that we tend to neglect ourselves. I have Mom friends who are back to their driver duties now that school has began. One good news I shared with them (and to everyone else) is the new reason to hang out at Figaro— their new  Spoon Meals! Now Mommy drivers can eat a nice meal at Figaro while waiting for the kids to get off school. For work at home Moms like me who perhaps eat lunch at around 3pm, a nice break from work would be a walk in a nearby Figaro coffee shop (They are everywhere!) and eat, chill, declutter our thoughts and gather another round of strength.

Recently, Figaro Coffee Company launched their newest offerings the Chicken Thyme with Creamy Cheese Sauce (P215) and Chicken Ala King (P215).

spoon meals ctopper 8.5x11in

Disclaimer: photo is for advertisement purposes, food does not necessarily look like the ones in the photo.

I have tried both and I like Chicken ala King better because of it’s creamy sauce. I’m a cheese lover and surprisingly I didn’t favor Chicken Thyme in Creamy Cheese Sauce, maybe a bit more cream and cheese glazed over the deep fried chicken will do the trick.

Both spoon meals are served with either iced tea or brewed coffee.

A meal is never complete without a dessert. Have a bite of my favorite sweet treat from Figaro:
Old English Matrimonial bar from Figaro

I love to eat this with a freshly brewed coffee from Figaro. The raspberry filling can be a bit sweet so I balance it with coffee and it’s just heavenly. I encourage you to try it. I never thought oats and dessicated coconut could go so well.

Go check out Figaro’s Spoon Meals and lemme know what you think! Is it worth the price?