An article about love and marriage is bound to happen today. It’s our 5th Church wedding anniversary and I’m inspired to write a few things about what I’ve learned so far. I am no expert but I think that my psychology and my husband’s is something that we can share with other couples.

We’ve been together for almost 10 years and I think that we’ve gone through a lot of tough times together and I’m happy to say that we’ve been going up ever since.

My first lesson in marriage is that, it’s not for everyone. You have to think deep, hard and think twice if you can. Look inside yourself if it’s for you and if the person you want to be with is indeed the one you’re about to say I do to. Marriage is a lot of hard work. It needs time and effort as much as the ones you spend on your career or even on parenting. It needs to be nurtured and re-evaluated from time to time.

Often couples are too wrapped up with their daily lives that they often forget about an essential part of their family life, which is their marriage. It’s a strong force that binds the entire family together. I’m not saying that divorced couples and broken families are no better, all I’m saying is, it is what it is- broken. Do you want that for your child? If not, plan and think before diving in to marriage.

Why do you need to give tome for romance and love?

It’s because sometimes we lose ourselves along the way. We need to pick it up and remember why we decided to be tagged with our partners. What was our vow for each other? And more importantly, are we living the vow we carefully wrote few nights before the wedding and proudly recited with tears in our eyes?

When your children grows up and have their own lives, you’re again left with your partner. Do you want to wait for that time to realize that you forgot who he is and regret that you didn’t held hands and cuddled when you both were able to curl without breaking any bones?

As a couple you can develop intimacy on so many levels and not just in a sexual aspect. There’s intimacy on a social level, financial level, recreational, parental and whatever levels you can think of.

My husband and I can get really burned out with our jobs- sleep deprived, deadlines and parenting duties that we always find time to watch our favorite shows together, laugh about scenes we can relate or if the house feels a little stuffed, we go out for a nice walk or coffee hunting.

There’s so much to do with your love beyond sex and the bedroom. Though I’m not saying you completely neglect it, that would be so bad. You also ought to go out on a honeymoon break with your husband. Check in on a fave hotel, order room service and never see the sun again for a day. 🙂  In fact, we might be doing that soon.

Human beings are a complex creature and it tends to create complex relationships. Try to make it simple, don’t over think things and just communicate well with your husband. Do not assume you know everything because you simply don’t. Life can bring you tsunami circumstances but believe that you can surpass it and will make it better.