
Wyt and I are barkadas from our college days. We’ve been through all sorts of misunderstandings . Maybe because then, we were so different. I was loud but private…she was meek but open. I never thought we would click..but hell yeah, after 2 years of staying in one room, one home…we were more than a click…we were a hit! From then on, we relied on each other and took care of each other when our parents were far from us…we were each other’s “resbak”.

I remember we used to listen to BoogeyNights while studying for a major exam…I remember we used to mock our classmates or schoolmates and uhhhh we used to bully one particular classmate….LOL. TENSIOOONNNN!!!!! (our private joke)

I remember we used to watch movies after seminars from school. We saw each other grow, we were together when we first had our hearts broken, she was there when I was married, bore a child and had her baptized. She is truly the sister I never had.

Then it happened. She’s leaving for the States. So soon? Do I get to hug her before she leaves? Do I get to tell her to be safe? Do I get to kiss her goodbye? *sigh*

And now, I can’t stop thinking how it’ll be knowing she’ll be far from me….knowing she’ll be in a land foreign to her..alone. She’s brave alright…but I know it’s different when you’re out there alone…away from people close to you….Away from your comfort zone. I wish my prayers are enough to comfort her and protect her….

She’s been through a lot. And this great big thing coming her way is a much deserved blessing. Even though I’m sad she’s leaving….I know deep in my heart I’m truly truly happy for her…

I keep telling my self…Finally, she’s free. Finally, she’ll move on with her life after all the sacrifices she’s been thru….Keep telling myself to accept that she’s leaving so soon. I’m so selfish of my friend…but in a good way…I wanted to keep her close, safe…her with me.

*sigh* Time flies. I hope our friendship will stand the test of distance and time.

May God Bless her. May God Bless us all.