
Well that’s me! Yup, I got the job I was blogging about a few days ago and I’m loving it so far. T’s been very supportive too. He’s even talking about getting a nanny for Peaches so I can do more with my job. 
Tonight I was working late and as I was too engrossed with words, grammars, spellings and the likes I didn’t notice T was waiting for me to finish up so we could sleep together (we rarely do). So finally I stopped myself from starting another article and just willed myself to shutdown the programs and sleep. Hmmm..realizing I’m super sleepy too. The midnight snack T prepared for me didn’t help either. It was so yummy, I just had to sleep now.

Thanks for always visitng me here!

Happy writing..er..blogging!

I am yet to be an OFFICIAL freelance writer because I have yet to I receive my first paycheck. Wilkeep you posted.