Buying and owning a car is a milestone for any family who’s just starting out. For most family, it’s one of their major investment so the process of selecting a family car is tedious as it should pass several issues such as budget, functionality and after sales service. My husband and I are planning to get Hyundai’s EON. I like that it’s small but sturdy (for its size) and the aesthetic look appeals to me too. We are in communication with one of the sales person from Hyundai and though my parents are pretty much against small, Asian car I feel that it’s great for my first city driving car. Then for whatever funny reason the Universe has, I got invited to One Hyundai Club‘s exclusive event last weekend.

Wondering what One Hyundai Club is?

One Hyundai ClubΒ Life in Style is, as far as I know, the first car distributor loyalty program in the Philippines. If you own any Hyundai car, you are entitled to a free membership card where you gain perks like free spa, free movie tickets, free cooking lessons for Moms, free Gymboree passes for the kiddos and to top it all, you get to have 24/7 roadside assistance (visit One Hyundai Club website to learn more about these awesome awesome perks that you shouldn’t miss!) They also have a reward system where you receive points when you buy Hyundai parts and or avail of their car services. These points you can then use to redeem premium items from One Hyundai Club.

As I’ve said earlier, we were invited to a fun filled Saturday by the gorgeous people of One Hyundai Club. Peaches was able to play at Gymboree over at the Manila Polo Club (I didn’t know MPC is so huge inside!). We were with the other One Hyundai Club members and they all looked so happy with the perks they get from their car purchase.

Look at Peaches and her new friends playing at Gymboree:

Gymboree playdate

Gymboree playdate

Visit One Hyundai Club’s Facebook and get the latest events and happenings there. If you’re a proud Hyundai owner, contact your sales person and ask about the One Hyundai Club membership.

As for us, we’re pushing to get our Hyundai EON soon. If all is well, we will see πŸ™‚