>Peaches had her meltdown at school yesterday. The first ever. I had a feeling she was not feeling right emotionally so I decided to stay with her for the entire class. She cried and asked me not to leave.
I think she’s feeling sad that Troy left without her. Plus people around her are giving her empty promises. Like her Nannie telling her she’s going to ride an airplane like Daddy tomorrow or later. That they’re going to buy ticket so she can ride an airplane, etc.

Sigh. I never give empty promises to Peaches. Maybe this is also why she feels sad or frustrated? I don’t know.
All I know is she’s sad and yes I know it’s normal and that she really needs to feel things like this anyway.

All I do is give her extra hug and kiss.

Oh I wish people would stop giving empty promises even to pacify a child. I don’t think it’s right, do you?