A few months ago, my husband and I were forced to switch our Sun postpaid account Globe because the signal inside our home was really terrible. My phone would show I have full signal but when you try calling it, it’ll say it’s out of service.


Anyway, the issue I want to raise today is how Globe or any other network are recycling phone numbers. Just earlier today, I received a message from a certain collector from Alphaland company saying I owe them X amount of money for my membership. This was like their 4th message to me in a span of 1 month so I decided to respond back by saying I do not have any membership from them and that I am a new subscriber and they should stop sending me messages and remove my number from their list.

To my surprise the agent responded and he was very courteous. He or she asked if I was a certain Mr. E S from Holcim Philippines, I told him rest assured, I am not that person and I don’t know anyone with that name. The collector apologized and agreed to remove me from their list.

Fortunate for me the collector was courteous and nice. This isn’t the first time I received messages that are for someone else. The first several messages were for a girl but hers was not as aggressive as this latest one. I wonder how many times my Globe number has been used by someone else.

My friend Kate was not so lucky with collectors from Citibank and BPI who are very aggressive. Citibank called her 5 times a day to make sure she’s not the person they’re looking for. Kate threatened the collector that she’ll report them to NTC if they didn’t stop harassing her.

I am sure there are a lot of other subscribers who had the same experience. I just wish Globe or the other networks will do something about it.

Please do share if you have similar experiences.