Hey Mompreneurs!

Good news, are you using Google Apps for Work? They are now down to $3 (plus tax) per user per month instead of $5. Seems small but if you’re a big user of Google Apps for Work, this is something good.

Businesses who are not based in the Philippines but has majority of the users are from here, can still avail of this discount.

Google for work repricing Google for Work Philippines

What is Google Apps for Work?

This is a paid version of Gmail and Google Apps. Here are the benefits:

  1. Get your personalized email with 30GB storage – your email will be tagged with your website (ie inquiry@yourwebsiteaddress.com)
  2. You only pay for the users you create
  3. There’s option to pay for an upgrade to avail of unlimited storage – no need to delete important emails! It’s around $10/month for unlimited space.
  4. Use Google Apps like Spreadsheet, Documents and easily share with co-workers/employees.
  5. You get a monthly email from Google which gives stats from your website- how many people saw your website from the search results, how many people called, how many asked for directions (using Google maps).
  6. No need of other email platforms – Thunderbird, outlook

I am using this for my business and it has served me well.