Stress is a part of everyone’s life, but staying stressed out does not have to be. There are always going to be things in your life that you have no control over, but you do have control over your reaction to those things. Being overly stressed not only harms you mentally, it also harms you physically.


Look for ways to make everyday responsibilities and obligations less stressful. For example, planning meals for the week can eliminate the stress of deciding what is for dinner, and creating a list of household chores (and delegating them to specific days or family members) can help to make housework less stressful.

Put worry time into your schedule. Some things do need immediate attention, but some stressors can wait until the time is more convienient. If something is bothering you, and it can wait, write it down, and when it becomes your time to worry, sit and worry about it and figure out how to fix it.

A great tip that can help you keep your stress levels down is to take a little time out and appreciate your surroundings. Look out the window and try to notice things you’ve never noticed before. Spacing out like this can help you keep your stress levels down.

A good tip that can help you keep your stress down, is to plant your own garden. Not only is gardening a fun hobby to have, it will keep your stress levels down, as well. You’ll also be able to show off your garden to anyone you have over.

If you’re feeling stressed out, consider taking up martial arts. Not only can martial arts give you an outlet for any pent up anger or stress, but it will teach you to focus your mind and body. You’ll learn effective ways to manage stress and to clear your mind. It’s also a lot of fun and can be a break from the rest of your life.

Stay focused on one thing at a time. Focus your mind on only one goal to be accomplished at once. Large projects are more stressful because there are more decisions to make. If you can break that one large project down into little projects and focus on them individually you will be able to tackle the task at hand with less stress.

Ask for help. A lot of times as adults we attempt to solve all our problems ourselves, but many times that just adds to our stress. Trying to solve every problem alone can be tough for everyone, so ask for help when you need it. You will find that you feel better when you do.

Many of the people who are living with stress believe that it is perfectly normal. If you feel this way you should start comparing your stress levels to that of people around you. You should quickly see that your stress is much higher and is having detrimental effects on you.


A very simple way to reduce stress is to start your day ten or fifteen minutes earlier. By giving yourself that extra few minutes each day, you’ll have time to sit and enjoy your cup of coffee or give you a head start on your commute so you won’t have to battle traffic, therefore reducing your stress level. That extra time also gives you a chance to catch up on things that might not have gotten done the previous day. It’s amazing what a few short minutes each day can do for your stress levels!

If you live a high-stress life, you should do your best to avoid anything with caffeine in it. The caffeine is going to increase the anxiety levels that you are experiencing during those high-stress moments. Try to replace your coffee with green tea. It has calming agents and will help you regain your composure.

Eliminating caffeine from your diet completely or as much as possible is a great way to help reduce stress. Start maneuvering your way into drinking decaf coffee, and stay away from caffeinated sodas and other beverages. Dropping caffeine completely can cause headaches, so you might have to do this slowly.

A great tip that can help you keep your stress levels down is to eliminate caffeine from your diet. Even though drinking coffee has become so popular these days, getting too much caffeine can have serious side effects. Cutting out caffeine will help you feel much less anxious.

A lot of your stress is directly caused by the food that you put in your mouth. To limit the stress level in your life, cut back on the caffeine and coffee that you drink on a daily basis. This will make you feel calmer inside so that you can maximize how you feel.

To reduce stress, try cutting out caffeine from your diet. Switch from regular coffee to decaf and try to drink, either caffeine-free sodas or an alternative drink. If you’re used to drinking a lot of caffeine, ween yourself off slowly so that you don’t get a withdrawal headache. This should help to reduce your stress levels.

If you find yourself becoming more irritable during the mid-point of your day, try giving up your morning coffee. While caffeine is a great way to perk yourself up in the morning, the withdrawals later in the day can leave you feeling stressed and anxious. If you’re not willing to give up caffeine entirely, try getting your morning wake-up from a cup of green tea.

Sometimes, just talking to a trusted friend, who is also a good listener, is an effective way to let go of stress. You will probably feel better if you talk about what’s bothering you or spiking your anxiety. Find a friend or family member who you can go out to coffee with you or call you up on the phone.

As you can see, there are many positive ways you can deal with your stress. Stress is unavoidable, and you will always have to deal with it, but the better you cope with it, the healthier you will be. Follow these tips, and you will find yourself better able to deal with your stresses.