
To start let me say that I have been spending my School Christmas Party with almost the same classmates since Kinder 1 upto 4th Year High school. SO, at some point it became boring as our daily routine. There are of course few I can remember that holds great memories.

One, is when a classmate’s mom pledged to give one whole roasted pig for our section. It was so huge we had to call on our principal and her staff to eat with us, we even had our take home.
Second, when I didn’t get to have my gift because the one who was suppose to give it was absent.
I did get it though, after New Year’s Day when the classes resumed.
Third, the time when one of the girls from the other section were caught drinking alcohol and they were sent home.
Fourth, was the last time I spent christmas party with my classmates. It was emotional. We were all crying and hugging each other at the end of the day. Graduation was looming and it sank to us that this was the last time we were ever gonna spend pathetic, boring christmas party together. Yet, we will all miss it.
We will all miss the simplicity and the fuss free christmas party that we always had. I miss how we exchange stories on our new shoes, new clothes and whatevs that our parents bought us (specifically for that particular christmas party). I miss how nervouse we get as we open our gifts, thinking it might be one of those albums, frames or towels sold at the our one and only mall.

How I wish I could turn back time and just sit and be happy with my old classmates and friends.