This post is close to my heart  because it has served me really well since day 1. I’m not sure how to put it, if it’s luck or divine intervention that I got my first premium client the first day I started as a virtual assistant. In my almost 7 years of purely earning as an online professional, I have encountered a lot of ups and a fair number of downs. The inspiration for this post is for friends and family who are curious and clueless as to how one becomes a professional virtual assistant.

How to become a professional virtual assistant in the Philippines


1. Ask yourself, is online work for you? Make no mistake, online work isn’t as easy as it sounds. You’ll be camped out in your computer most of the time and probably be talking to no one for hours. You are expected to be online by your client everyday and it’s not as flexible as you think it may seem. Well, not in the first few months. You’ll feel a bit of freedom when you have mastered the work routine.

2. Create your online presence. Sign up on Skpe, get a Gmail account, and build your LinkedIn account (if you don’t know what that is, please Google! It’s like Facebook for professionals). It’s an advantage if you have a blog because your potential client can gauge your personality, writing style, etc through it.

3. Create your resume, cover letter and online portfolio. Your resume should state your educational background, previous work and employment, skills, and give your Skype id, if your LinkedIn profile is ready, give that one too. Your cover letter though prewritten must fit what was asked through your client’s job ad. It must answer questions that were posted in the job ad such as skills you should posses, what can you offer based on the job description, etc.

Now I know you are just starting as an online professional, that’s actually fine! Say it on your cover letter and put in your resume your previous work experiences, those will help!

As you make your experiences working online, build your resume. Collect reviews and raves from clients and make sure to document it.

4. Submit your resume to online job sites. Put the word out that you’re looking for a client.





You can also search for Facebook groups that cater to online professionals. I can name a few:

Some of these groups are closed or are secret groups. But find them and ask to join! They have plenty of connections and lessons to offer for free.

5. Look at the job sites and see their job postings so you have an idea what skills are needed, what you need to learn or improve. This will give you a general idea on what positions are available and where you are most likely to be inclined.

Lastly, keep on learning. Don’t settle on what you can do now. Strive to increase your market value (ehem, meaning you can ask for a higher rate!) by specializing on areas that you love doing- writing, design, research, SEO, marketing, social media and so on.

The opportunities are endless, really. If you dare ask me, you can actually create a specialized job for you. Like myself, I specialize in Ecommerce and small businesses who wants to grow and thrive. I help out in conversion, funnels and sales. I created an opportunity for myself by finding clients that fit the “job” I want for myself. I hope that makes sense at all.

Anyway, if you need help, just email me and I might be able to give a tip or two.