
As a Mom I am very conscious with my family’s health and well being. I made an advocacy to keep my family  healthy and to teach my young daughter the importance of a healthy lifestyle. For watching so many health advocates, one thing they all say (and which I think is very true) is that wellness is a lifestyle and being healthy is a choice. This is why I signed up for World of Wellness because unlike the other networking schemes offered to me, WOW does not push you to walk out the streets and find people to be your downlines. Plus you don’t need to shell out a lot of moolah to be a member.

So, what is World of Wellness?

Cory Quirino launched the Cory Quirino World of Wellness Retail Stores in 2008 with entrepreneur Sheila Mae Velilla. Together they envisioned a family that is made stronger because of the products that Ms. Cory Quirino strongly believed in. Later they conceptualize wellness is wealth project. 

Ms. Mae Velilla and Ms. Cory Quirino

WORLD OF WELLNESS believes that the real wealth is in HEALTH and investment on health should be made affordable. The more people who would be able to access this provision, the healthier the nation would be.

WOW is not about quick fix and is not a get-rich-quick scheme. WOW believes in consumerism and general fair trade practice.  It keeps its margins low to offer; firstly, a commission plan reasonably competitive in the Direct Sales Industry, and secondly, a very affordable mass market price for premium quality products. This is part of WOW’s advocacy in social and business entrepreneurship.

The WOW COMPENSATION PLAN is a Three-Tier business model, common in most Direct Sales organizations that offer multi-line of consumer goods. It rewards and recognizes efforts on SALES and SPONSORING be it a personal contribution or a group production.

Here’s some of the products that WOW boasts of:

Pinay Mommy Adreamer with WOW’s body scrub

WOW World of Wellness is a registered corporation with the Securities and Exchange Commission under SEC # CS201017782 on October 29, 2010.
